Sunday, December 4, 2022

Writing Skill - Interview


Important tips :

1) In interview, interviewer and interviwee are needed.

2) Interview duration should be 30 - 45 mins and should be short and compact.

3) Area of success of the interviwee should be mentioned clearly.

4) Venue,Date and time of the interview should be mentioned.

5) Interview questions (8 - 10) must be written along with background sentences.

6) The questions should be Wh- questions and  relevant to the situation.

7) Proper sequence of the interview questions should be followed.

8) The questions should be polite. Simpler questions should come first.

9) Suitable format  and presentation should be followed.

Example :


4.2 To Sir, With Love


'To Sir, With Love' is an autobiographical novel by  E. R. Braithwaite, a Guyanese-born British- American novelist, teacher and diplomat. The narrator is an engineer who worked in an oil refinery,He served in the Royal British Air Force in the World  War II. After the war, being a black person he could not get a job.But to make both ends meet he accepts the job of a teacher at the Greenslade School in London's East End. The school is full of all notorious students who have been rejected from other schools for their behaviour.

Though he served in the Royal Air Force, the British do not consider him as one of them. He faced discrimination and racism  in London. This leads bitterness about the British, colonialism and his white students. He considers his students disrespectful, ill-mannered and mischievous while  his students consider him to be an arrogant outsider, unfamiliar with the social environment.

He uses different tactics to bring positive change in the behaviour of the students.He suggests the students to call girl students as 'miss' and boy students as 'sir'. Thus, he wants to nurture the feeling of adulthood and respectable person in his students. He also organises field trips and excursions to museums and theatres to increase the cultural exposure. In this way, he develops good bonding with his students. 

His students frequently disappoint and hurt  him but he learns to forgive them. The students constantly surprise him with their maturity, empathy and knowledge.



Teachers -

        1) Ricky Braithwaite

        2) Mr. Weston

        3) Mrs.Dale-Evans

        4) Miss Phillips 

   Students - 


         2) Miss Joseph 

         3) Potter 

        4) Sapiano 

        5) Miss Pegg 

        6) Jackson 

        7) Ferman 

        8) Miss Dare 

        9) Miss Dodd 


       1) Students-teacher relationship 

       2) Prejudice 

       3) Racism 


      Period - Mid 1940's

       Time - 15th November, morning 10:00 am

       Place - Greenslade School, London's East End.

                     ( School Auditorium)

       Occasion - The Half -Yearly Report               Presentation Programme 

Character Sketch -

1) Ricky Braithwaite : E R  Braithwaite is also known as Ricky Braithwaite. He is the writer and narrator of the novel 'To Sir ,With Love'. Being Black it was not possible for him to get a job after World War II. So he accepted a job of a teacher in Greenslade School in East London.  Many notorious students were admitted in this school.In the beginning the students were not ready to accept him as a teacher but finally using different tactics he became successful to bring positive changes in the behaviour of the students.

2) Denham : Denham was one of the most notorious students in the class of Braithwaite.He was a trained boxer. He represented the class of Braithwaite . He proceeded the Half Yearly Report Presentation Programme along with Miss Joseph. He raised the query related to PT and games class. But when Miss Philips,one of the panelists convinced him the importance of having the lecture of PT and gams, he accepted his defeat. 

Q1) Describe 'The half yearly report programme '.

Ans : The half yearly report program of the students' council was on 15th November in Greenslade School auditorium at 10:00 a.m. On this day, there was no assembly. The students arrived smartly dressed and polished.Miss Joseph and Denham were the important officials for the occasion. Meeting their colleagues, they were ensuring that each one was ready to play his or her part.  The program started with the inaugural address by the H.M. Mr Florian. Then Miss Joseph explained the purpose and its activities. Each class presented the report, through its representatives, on the studies. The reports began with the lowest class first. Class after class was represented. When all the classes had completed their reports, a panel of teachers had been invited and answered the questions raised by the students. Thus, this programme was arranged, presented and controlled by the students only.

Q2) 'To Sir, With Love' is an autobiographical novel. Elaborate. 

Ans : 'To Sir, With Love' is an autobiographical novel. This novel is written by the protagonist of the novel  E. R. Braithwaite. In this novel, the protagonist gives his personal experiences after the second world war in England. He was an engineer but being a black person he has been rejected at various job places because of racism. Finally he manages to get a job in Greenslade school, East End of London. There, he found out that the students in his class are very disrespectful and ill mannered. But when he changes his teaching techniques and the way to tackle the students, brought positive change in the behaviour of the students. This, this novel is an excellent example of students-teacher relationship.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Writing Skill - Appeal Writing

 Why to prepare an appeal?

1) To make people aware of social issues and to make them to take an active part in movements, missions or rallies etc. 

2) To involve people in general social activities.

Important tips:

1) Appeal should be in a box.

2) Address directly to the readers.

3) Give a suitable title in catchy, attractive and in bold letters.

4) Make a persuasive appeal with suitable picture.

5) Use a rhetorical questions to emphasize the point to draw the attention of the people.

6) Ask for  assistance, contribution, support of the people.

7) Use attractive and catchy slogan or punch line.

8) Give reason to support the cause you are appealing for.

9) If it's a rally, write time,day , date and venue etc.

10) Use logo at the down right hand side.

11) Write the name of organizers and the address.

Example : 

Prepare an appeal to make the general public awareness of the need for 'Eye Donation'.Make use of following points : 

* Use an attractive picture, slogan or any punch line.

* Make a persuasive appeal.

* Mention the importance of eye donation.

* Add your own points.

Marking Scheme :                             
          Presentation                                      02.           
          Convincing Language.                     01            
         Inspiring/Motivational Message     01           