Friday, July 3, 2020

Poetic Devices / Figures of speech

      When poets or authors do not express themselves in simple and easy to comprehend language or words, they use figurative language to beautify their expressions, it is figures of speech.

Ex. Queen of night was voyaging 
      Here, in figurative language "Queen of night " means  'moon'. So instead of saying directly the moon ,poet says "Queen of night ".
     Thus, a figure of speech decorates our language to increase its effect .

 1) Simile : Direct comparison between two objects , is called Simile.
                   Here, a comparison is introduced with words --"as" or "like"or "so".

Ex.- 2.2 Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild.
Explanation - Here, color of garment and color halcyon(kingfisher) is directly compared. 

2) Metaphor : Indirect comparison between two objects.
                        One object is implicitly compared to another one, is called Metaphor.

Ex.- 2,2 Weavers weaving at break of day.
Explanation- Here, break of day (morning) is implicitly compared with the first phase 
                      of life (childhood).

3) Alliteration : Repetition of sound or letter is called Alliteration.

Ex.- 2.4 This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through
Explanation- Here, letter 't' is repeated for better poetic effect.

4) Repetition : Repetition of a word or a phrase is called Repetition.

Ex.- 2.6 When I had money, money,O!
Explanation- Here, the word 'money' is repeated pleasingly.

5) Personification :An abstract or non- living thing has given human quality is called Personification.

Ex.- 2.7 The smiles that win, the tints that glow
Explanation- Here, the non-living thing 'smile' has given human quality of wining.

6) Inversion : Words are not arranged in correct prose order.
                        The word order is changed to suit a particular rhyming scheme, is called Inversion.

Ex. - 2.6 Much have I thought of life, and seen
            How poor men's hearts are ever light;
Explanation- Here, the words are not arranged in correct prose order.
                      The correct prose order is- 'I have thought much of life and seen 
                                                                  how poor men's hearts are ever light'

7) Onomatopoeia : A sound is expressed through a word, is called Onomatopoeia.

Ex.- 2.6 A trumpet that he must not blow
Explanation-Here, the word, 'blow' is used to express sound.

8) Antithesis :A striking opposition or contrast in words or idea, is called Antithesis.

Ex.- 2.7 One shade the more, one ray the less
Explanation- Here, the opposite words 'more' and 'less' are used for better poetic effect.

9)Paradox : An absurd idea but in reality factual idea, is called Paradox.

Ex.- 2.1 Still here I carry my old delicious burdens
Explanation- Here, A burden cannot be delicious but the poet has used the contradictory
                      words to express that he has many sweet memories of the people and places
                      which he would like to remember forever.

10) Oxymoron : Two contradictory qualities are used for one object or same person is called Oxymoron.

Ex.- 2.4 Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way
Explanation- Here, the opposite words 'selfish' and 'pure and simple' are used for same person.

11)Climax : Ideas are arranged in ascending order of importance, is called Climax.

Ex.- 2.7 And on that cheek and o'er that bro
              So soft, so calm, yet eloquent
Explanation- Here, the ideas are arranged in ascending order.

12) Interrogation : Idea is put in a question format for an emphasis, is called Interrogation.

Ex.- 2.4 Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
Explanation- Here, this rhetorical question is formed not to get the answer but to emphasis. 

13) Imagery : Imagery is used to make the readers to perceive things with their five senses.

Ex.- 2.7 And all that is best of dark and bright
Explanation- Here, the poet creates an imagery of light and darkness to bring out the beauty 
                      of the lady.

14)Apostrophe : Absent or dead person is personified and addressed, is called Apostrophe.

Ex.- 2.3 O Christ! it is the Inchcape Rock!
Explanation- Here, christ is personified and addressed.

15)Synecdoche : When part stands for whole and whole stands for part. When material stands for object and object stands for material, it is called Synecdoche.

Ex.- 2.4 Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said
             Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead?
Explanation- Here, the part (heart) stands for whole (human body).

16) Transferred Epithet : Epithet means an adjective. When an epithet is transferred to a noun instead of its original possessor, it is called Transferred Epithet.

Ex- 2.5 Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night 
Explanation- Here, an epithet 'humid' is transferred to 'night' (noun) instead of its original possessor (weather).

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