A summary is a clear , compact ,logical gist of a passage.It preserves only the essential or important ideas of the original.
Summary writing involves summarizing a document to convey the maximum information into minimum words.
1)Read the passage carefully.
2)find out the central idea.
3) Pick out the sentences in the extract relevant to the central idea.
4) Convert the information given in these sentences in your own, simple, unambiguous language.
5) Write a suitable title.(Title should be in a word or phrase.)
1)Avoid the sentences as it is from the passage .
2) Avoid giving illustration, proverbs or quotations.
3) Avoid sentence construction like 'In my opinion....','According to me....','I think....'etc.
1) Summary should be in one paragraph only.
2) Summary must be in the past tense.
3) It should be written in a third person.
4) It should be written in indirect narration.
5) Give a suitable title or heading for summary.
Example 1-
is a twentieth century illness. The pressures on all of us are very great because speed and competition have become part of everyday life.Social
isolation, over crowding, the competitiveness of our society and several other
factors are responsible for stress. In English we refer to the competition as
the 'rat-race'. All of us react to the rat race in different ways.
Some of us get tired easily, others get depressed, others are often irritable
or worried and so on. The rat race affects everybody in society from toddlers
to senior citizens. There is always something that worries us. Sometimes the
stresses on us are too great we fall out of the race and have a nervous
breakdown. Extreme cases of illness
can lead to suicide. There is hope because only some people crack while most
others do not.
Stress a twentieth century illness, is caused due to social isolation,
over crowding or competitive society. This competition is referred to as a 'rat
race'. While some people can cope others get depressed, irritable or tired. It
affects both young and old. Some may have nervous breakdowns while the extreme cases commit suicide.
Example 2-
Character is destiny. Character is that on which the destiny of a nation is built. One cannot have a great nation with men of small character. We must have young men and women who look upon others as the living images of themselves as our Sastras have so often declared. But whether in public life or student life we cannot reach great heights if we are lacking in character. We cannot climb the mountain when the very ground at our feet is crumbling. When the very basis of our structure is shaky, how can we reach heights which we have set before ourselves? We must all have humility. Here is a country which we are interested in building up. For whatever service we take up, we should not care for what we receive. We should know how much we can put into that service. That should be the principle which should animate our young men and women. Ours is a great country. We have had for centuries great history. The whole of the East reflects our culture. We have to represent what India taught right from the time of Mohenjodaro and Harappa.
Whether in domestic affairs
or in international affairs we must adhere to certain standards. My advice to
the young men and women who are graduating today through this University is:
Mother India expects of you that your lives should be clean, noble and
dedicated to selfless work.
Character is Destiny
According to the writer university life calls for co-operation between teachers and
students in building the characters of students which in turn helps to develop the
destiny of the country. A country can not achieve greatness with men of weak characters. An
essential criteria is humility which enables an individual to be selfless, dedicated and noble.
These traits are necessary for developing a great country.
Marking scheme :
Title 1mk
Presentation 1mk
Covering main points with
style and grammar 1mk
3 mks