Sunday, December 4, 2022

Writing Skill - Interview


Important tips :

1) In interview, interviewer and interviwee are needed.

2) Interview duration should be 30 - 45 mins and should be short and compact.

3) Area of success of the interviwee should be mentioned clearly.

4) Venue,Date and time of the interview should be mentioned.

5) Interview questions (8 - 10) must be written along with background sentences.

6) The questions should be Wh- questions and  relevant to the situation.

7) Proper sequence of the interview questions should be followed.

8) The questions should be polite. Simpler questions should come first.

9) Suitable format  and presentation should be followed.

Example :


4.2 To Sir, With Love


'To Sir, With Love' is an autobiographical novel by  E. R. Braithwaite, a Guyanese-born British- American novelist, teacher and diplomat. The narrator is an engineer who worked in an oil refinery,He served in the Royal British Air Force in the World  War II. After the war, being a black person he could not get a job.But to make both ends meet he accepts the job of a teacher at the Greenslade School in London's East End. The school is full of all notorious students who have been rejected from other schools for their behaviour.

Though he served in the Royal Air Force, the British do not consider him as one of them. He faced discrimination and racism  in London. This leads bitterness about the British, colonialism and his white students. He considers his students disrespectful, ill-mannered and mischievous while  his students consider him to be an arrogant outsider, unfamiliar with the social environment.

He uses different tactics to bring positive change in the behaviour of the students.He suggests the students to call girl students as 'miss' and boy students as 'sir'. Thus, he wants to nurture the feeling of adulthood and respectable person in his students. He also organises field trips and excursions to museums and theatres to increase the cultural exposure. In this way, he develops good bonding with his students. 

His students frequently disappoint and hurt  him but he learns to forgive them. The students constantly surprise him with their maturity, empathy and knowledge.



Teachers -

        1) Ricky Braithwaite

        2) Mr. Weston

        3) Mrs.Dale-Evans

        4) Miss Phillips 

   Students - 


         2) Miss Joseph 

         3) Potter 

        4) Sapiano 

        5) Miss Pegg 

        6) Jackson 

        7) Ferman 

        8) Miss Dare 

        9) Miss Dodd 


       1) Students-teacher relationship 

       2) Prejudice 

       3) Racism 


      Period - Mid 1940's

       Time - 15th November, morning 10:00 am

       Place - Greenslade School, London's East End.

                     ( School Auditorium)

       Occasion - The Half -Yearly Report               Presentation Programme 

Character Sketch -

1) Ricky Braithwaite : E R  Braithwaite is also known as Ricky Braithwaite. He is the writer and narrator of the novel 'To Sir ,With Love'. Being Black it was not possible for him to get a job after World War II. So he accepted a job of a teacher in Greenslade School in East London.  Many notorious students were admitted in this school.In the beginning the students were not ready to accept him as a teacher but finally using different tactics he became successful to bring positive changes in the behaviour of the students.

2) Denham : Denham was one of the most notorious students in the class of Braithwaite.He was a trained boxer. He represented the class of Braithwaite . He proceeded the Half Yearly Report Presentation Programme along with Miss Joseph. He raised the query related to PT and games class. But when Miss Philips,one of the panelists convinced him the importance of having the lecture of PT and gams, he accepted his defeat. 

Q1) Describe 'The half yearly report programme '.

Ans : The half yearly report program of the students' council was on 15th November in Greenslade School auditorium at 10:00 a.m. On this day, there was no assembly. The students arrived smartly dressed and polished.Miss Joseph and Denham were the important officials for the occasion. Meeting their colleagues, they were ensuring that each one was ready to play his or her part.  The program started with the inaugural address by the H.M. Mr Florian. Then Miss Joseph explained the purpose and its activities. Each class presented the report, through its representatives, on the studies. The reports began with the lowest class first. Class after class was represented. When all the classes had completed their reports, a panel of teachers had been invited and answered the questions raised by the students. Thus, this programme was arranged, presented and controlled by the students only.

Q2) 'To Sir, With Love' is an autobiographical novel. Elaborate. 

Ans : 'To Sir, With Love' is an autobiographical novel. This novel is written by the protagonist of the novel  E. R. Braithwaite. In this novel, the protagonist gives his personal experiences after the second world war in England. He was an engineer but being a black person he has been rejected at various job places because of racism. Finally he manages to get a job in Greenslade school, East End of London. There, he found out that the students in his class are very disrespectful and ill mannered. But when he changes his teaching techniques and the way to tackle the students, brought positive change in the behaviour of the students. This, this novel is an excellent example of students-teacher relationship.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Writing Skill - Appeal Writing

 Why to prepare an appeal?

1) To make people aware of social issues and to make them to take an active part in movements, missions or rallies etc. 

2) To involve people in general social activities.

Important tips:

1) Appeal should be in a box.

2) Address directly to the readers.

3) Give a suitable title in catchy, attractive and in bold letters.

4) Make a persuasive appeal with suitable picture.

5) Use a rhetorical questions to emphasize the point to draw the attention of the people.

6) Ask for  assistance, contribution, support of the people.

7) Use attractive and catchy slogan or punch line.

8) Give reason to support the cause you are appealing for.

9) If it's a rally, write time,day , date and venue etc.

10) Use logo at the down right hand side.

11) Write the name of organizers and the address.

Example : 

Prepare an appeal to make the general public awareness of the need for 'Eye Donation'.Make use of following points : 

* Use an attractive picture, slogan or any punch line.

* Make a persuasive appeal.

* Mention the importance of eye donation.

* Add your own points.

Marking Scheme :                             
          Presentation                                      02.           
          Convincing Language.                     01            
         Inspiring/Motivational Message     01           

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow - Poetic Appreciation

 Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points.

* About the poem/poet/ title

* Theme

* Poetic devices, language,style

* Special features - tone and type

* Values, Message

* Your opinion about the poem

About the poem/poet/ title: 'Have You Earned Your Tomorrow'  is a poem written by a well known poet -Edger Guest. He is also known as 'People's poet' for his simple style and optimistic tone of writing. This is an inspirational poem.

Theme: In this poem, the speaker asks direct questions to the readers whether they have done anything good to improve the life of another human being or not. If they have done anything good for people it means they have earned their future ie tomorrow. Thus the speaker keeps on reminding the impact of good deeds on one's life. If  a small gesture of us bring smile and hope in the minds of others, it means we succeed to please God to grant a new tomorrow.In this way, we have to earn our tomorrow.

Poetic devices, language and style: This poem consists four stanzas. Each stanza is of the quatrain. The poet uses Interrogation as the main figure of speech because he puts all queries in the form of direct question. Along with Interrogation, the poet uses poetic devices like Alliteration, Oxymoron,Synecdoche etc. The rhyme scheme of the four stanzas are aabb,ccaa, ddee, ffaa. 

Special features - tone and type:  In this poem, the poet uses simple,easy to understand tone as whenever we read, we get the same interpretation. Here, the Poet uses optimistic tone of writing. He  uses some homonyms like 'spoke',  'deed',' fast', 'heart', 'leave', 'slumber' etc.

Values,message: The poem gives us the message that good work always pay you so always do good with others. People will remind you as per your behaviour. So it is essential to behave well with others. It reminds me one saying 'As you sow, so shall you reap'.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Writing Skill - Speech Writing

 Speech Writing : 

Steps of speech writing - 

1) Salutation

2) Introduction of yourself (speaker), topic and occasion

3) Importance of the topic

4) Conclusion

Complied examples :

1) On the occasion of the *World Environment Day*,5th June 

Good morning to the excellencies, respected Principal, my colleagues and my dear students,

We celebrate various days to commemorate the events and  some honourable personalities. Likewise,we also celebrate the World  Environment Day every year on 5th June .This day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972.Two years later means in 1974 the first World Environment Day was held .

   Friends, we all are familiar with the word environment. What does environment mean?Yes, environment means the surroundings or conditions in which we ,human beings,animals ,birds and plants live.

    The term environment has been derived from a French word *Environia* means to surround. Environment consists of both biotic (human beings, animals ,birds, and plants means living and abiotic means non- living (soil,air,water,solar energy etc ).In short , environment is the surrounding in which we live.The world environment day is celebrated to promote the ways to improve the earth's environment and to solve the environmental issues.

    Today, we see the degradation of environment.Who is responsible for this degradation ?Of course, man is responsible for all these adverse changes in the environment.Man is a selfish animal and for the sake of his benefits, he cuts the trees. The cutting of trees affect  the rainfall.The rainfall affects  the availability of underground water as well as land water.It also affects  the growth of crops. Deforestation also affects  the existence of wild animals. Today ,we find that many species of animals and plants are extincted.It also affects  the temperature of the atmosphere.The layer of ozone gas  is  decreasing and  carbon dioxide and other gases are increasing. Concrete jungle is increasing  due to urbanization. Industrialization. And increase in the number of vehicles cause  various sorts of pollutions.The problem like global warming is created.

   On seeing these adverse effect on environment, we should be aware of it and make the  others aware of it.As the responsible citizen, it is our duty to protect our earth.If you save earth,we will save our life .Our small acts can be helpful for the protection of Earth. Remember the seven

R s   i.e Refuse, Repair,Recycle ,Reject,Renew and Resolve.Water and electricity are the  national wealth.So, it's our duty to save it.We should develop the concept of the 'Rain Water Harvesting' .We should switch off the unwanted electrical gadgets .We should go on foot where is the walkable distance and save fuel.There are  so many things which we can do for the protection of the environment. Friends ,

the most important thing we get from trees is oxygen.We can not survive without it.So we should stop the cutting of trees and plant the trees.

At last I would say  *'Save our environment,save our planet Earth.*

*'Protect our Earth today for our children tomorrow.'*

If we  protect our environment,it will be the true celebration of the 'World Environment Day'.

And  don't celebrate  this day  only on 5thJune but it should be celebrated everyday by protecting the environment.

I hope you will do so.

Thank you.🙏

Written by- 

Vaishali Jane

2) On the occasion of the *World Yoga Day*

Topic  *Importance of Yoga*

  Very good morning to everyone and happy Yoga Day. 

Honourable President, respected Principal, respected teachers and all my dear friends,

 Today we have gathered here to celebrate the 8th International Yoga Day.  This day is commemorated annually on 21st June since 2015. Our honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi proposed it  during the speech at the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. And from the next year means in 2015 United Nations declared 21st June as  the International Yoga Day.

 Friends, Can you tell why is the date 21st June  chosen?

Yes,it is because 21st June is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere.So the United Nations declared 21st June as the International Yoga Day in order to spread awareness among the people regarding yoga.

  What is yoga?

Well,yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual discipline.It originated in India more than 500 years ago.The word 'Yoga' came from Sanskrit word  *yuj* that  means  to yoke, unite or join. Though no one knows the inventor of yoga,still it is generally believed that Sage Patanjali who is the pioneer of yoga.He wrote Yog Sutras . Beneficial exercise (Asanas),proper breathing (Pranayama), complete relaxation (Savasana),balanced diet and nutrition, positive thinking and meditation  are the principles of yoga  that are still  being followed today.In an ancient age ,Rishis ,Munis,sages and Saints practised yoga and meditation regularly. Swami Vivekananda,Swami Ramkrishna Paramhans , Swami Dayanand  Saraswati who  practised meditation regularly and reached at the culmination point of spirituality. We can not forget the name of Ramdev Baba who is the present yoga trainer.As we listen or read the word yoga ,the figure of Ramdev Baba comes before our eyes.

    Yoga uses asanas(postures) and

Pranayam(breathing techniques) to integrate the body with mind and mind with soul .

      We all know that the health is wealth. And yoga is a way of living that aims towards a healthy mind is in a healthy body (sound mind is in sound body).Yoga is beneficial to us in many ways.It helps to manage stress and anxiety and keeps us relaxing. In today's fast life,no one  is free from stress and anxiety.So yoga , pranayam and  meditation are very essential  things to keep us healthy and tension free.It improves respiration, blood circulation, energy and vitality. Regular practice of yoga can help to lose weight, release stress , improve immunity, improve concentration and so on.On seeing the benefits of yoga,we should practise it every day without fail.

     Our honourable Prime Minister started the celebration of this day because he wants healthy  and self-reliant ( आत्मनिर्भर भारत )India.If we are healthy,our country will prosper because only healthy people can work efficiently for the growth of Indian Economy.

   Friends, in this year the government has appealed everyone  to participate in Yoga under the hastag *Yoga For Humanity*.Why?,

because Yoga for humanity is healing our own minds,bodies and spirits while giving back to community. It is a call to action to all yogis,teachers,students ,gurus to use the healing benefits of yoga to empower,inspire and give back to others. 

  P.M.says the motto of yoga is peace, prosperity and harmony.Therefore,it is good to practise yoga daily to reap numerous health benefits for a healthy body and mind.

   I hope,you understood the importance of yoga.

   Happy Yoga Day.

Thank  you.🙏

Written by - 

Mrs Vaishali Jane

3)*Speech on Teacher's Day* ,5th September.

  Good morning to one and all and my greetings to all my respected teachers. Honourable chairperson,the Principal of our college, respected teachers and my dear friends,

Today is an auspicious occasion to honour and acknowledge the contributions and hard work of teachers who mould the students into the future citizens.Guru Pournima is also celebrated to express our gratitude towards our Gurus.

     Friends, Can you tell why 5th September is celebrated as Teacher's Day?Yes,it is celebrated throughout the country since the year 1962 on the birth anniversary of Dr.Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan,the second President of free India.He was born on 5th September 1888 at Tiruttani,in Tamil Nadu State.He was a great philosopher, educationist and a teacher by profession.When he became the second President of India,few of his students requested him to let them to celebrate his birthday on 5th September.On this request,he asked them to celebrate his birthday as Teacher's Day and not just as birthday.Ever since this day is celebrated as Teacher's Day every year.

      Our education begins at home. Mother is our prime teacher.As we grow and meet different people,we learn many things from them.Everyone around us teaches us something.Experiences and mistakes are also our great teachers.

     In olden times,there was *Gurukul System* of teaching where the students left their homes to stay with the sages in the forest for years.It was called *Bramhacharyashram*(one of the four ashrams ) After completing the training,the students returned homes.Those  sages were worshipped and honoured by the students and their parents like God.Since then a teacher is placed next to God.That's why it is said,

*Gurur Brahma,Gurur Vishnu,

Gurur Dev,Maheshwara.

Gurur Sakshat ,Parbramha.

Tasmai Sri Guruve Namaha.*

      It means Guru is the Lord himself.Gurus/ teachers are next to God.So,Gurus are worshipped on Guru Pournima.

    Teachers are our second parents because they take care of us as parents.They show us right path as the beacon light.They are like candles who spend their whole life in giving light to the students .They are always with us whenever we are in trouble whether it is academic or personal.They are the nation builders.They guide and shape the destiny of students.Teachers teach us to become better human beings.Sometimes , teachers scold us but there is their love and affection towards us behind their scolding.They scold us for our betterment.Teacher is the profession that creates all the professions like doctor,engineer, advocate, Chartered accountant and so on.

     Teachers like Dr Radhakrishnan ,Sane Guruji and Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam are some of the renowned names that have given meaning to the world of teachers.In mythology we find many examples of Gurus and deciples such as Dronacharya and Eklavya, Sandipani and Shrikrishna etc. Eklavya is known as an ideal student.When Guru Dronacharya refused to teach archery to Eklavya because he was Shudra,(because Shudra was considered as the lowest category in the society at that time.) Eklavya built the mud idol /statue  of Dronacharya and practised archery before it and became the skilled archer equalled to Arjun.

On seeing the skill of Eklavya in archery,Guru Dronacharya  was astonished. He asked for Eklavya's right thumb as Guru Dakshina because he didn't want Eklavya to excel/exceed/surpass Arjun.And without thinking so much, Eklavya cut off his right thumb and put it at the feet of his Guru.It shows his reverence/honour/respect towards his Guru.Eklavya still continued to practise archery with the forefingers and middle fingers and remains as an example of an ideal student till today.We should also keep Eklavya as a role model before us and gain the knowledge.We should concentrate on our target like Eklavya.

   Today,we are living in the age of science and technology.We learn many things through various apps.We get vast knowledge through internet but as per my opinion, no one can replace the teachers because teachers not only give us knowledge but also shape our personality by teaching many moral lessons.Apart from academic,they stand by us at every step to guide ,motivate and inspire us to become good citizens.

   We are proud to say that we are being cultivated by the finest gardeners. We pray for their well beings and good health.I would like to express my gratitude towards all teachers for their selfless and dynamic support.We are always grateful to you.I conclude my speech by wishing you

 Happy Teacher's Day💐💐

Thank you.🙏

Written by - 

Mrs Vaishali Jane

4)*The Indian Constitution Day* 

*26th November*

  Exuberant good morning to everyone. Honourable chairperson,the Principal of our college, respected teachers and my dear friends.

We celebrate many days to commemorate the great personalities and their work.Likewise,we also commemorate 26th November as *The Indian Constitution Day*.Our honourable Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi declared this day in the year 2015 because that year was the year of 125th birth anniversary of Bharatratna Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar.

   Friends,can you tell why it is  celebrated on 26th November?Yes, because the Constitution Assembly /Committee adopted the constitution on 26th November 1949 which was come into force/effect on 26thJanuary 1950.

     Well,we have to follow the traffic rules.Why?yes, because to avoid the mishaps.Our schools and colleges have certain rules  regarding  uniforms,time tables  and so on.Why? because such rules are needed for disciplinary and smooth working of our schools and colleges.Likewise, Constitution is needed for the nation.

    *What is constitution*?

Well, constitution is a set of rules and regulations which is essential for disciplinary adminstration of the government.It is the framework, document or a book that guides the government to work smoothly.

     Friends, we all know the history of Indian Independence.When we were ruled by the Britishers,they appealed us to draft our own constitution.And  in response to their appeal ,the work of constitution was begun.The Constitution 

Committee was formed whose president was Dr.Rajendra Prasad and in which *Constitution Drafting Committee* was formed whose president was Bharatratna Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar.

There were seven members in this *Drafting  Committee*, named Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar,N.Gopalswami,Dr.B.R.Ambedkar,K.M.Munshi, Mohammad Saadulla,B.L,Mitter and D.P. Khaitan.But as a president of Drafting Committee ,Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar contributed the Lion's share in drafting our constitution.That's why he is called an architect of Indian Constitution.He studied the constitutions of many countries such as America,Japan, Russia,France and England. He took the essence from them.After spending a long period  of 2 years,11,months and 17days,our constitution was ready.

       Friends,our constitution is am amalgamation of the constitutions of the world.It is the world's largest constitution that contains 465 articles,12 schedules,122 amendments and 146385 English words.It is the blend of rigidity and flexibility.It is in both forms, written like America and unwritten like England.The original constitution (1950)is preserved in *helium filled case* at the parliament house in New Delhi.

    Well,our constitution is the sole backbone of the country that has kept the country together.Our constitution declares India as a sovereign, socialist,secular, democratic republic assuring its citizens the principles like *Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Justice.* There is equaity before law.It means every citizen of India is equal before law whether he/she is rich or poor ,city dweller or village dweller. Our constitution has given us fundamental rights such as right to vote,right to educate, right to freedom of expressing our thoughts, freedom to speak, right against exploitation, freedom of religion and so on.

    Friends, we are given such rights as well as our constitution has given us some duties and responsibilities. *Rights and duties* are the two sides of the same coin.When we fight for our rights,we should also be aware of our duties and responsibilities.We all know that the preamble of the constitution is given on the first page of the text books of all  the standards in which the first sentence is *WE, THE  PEOPLE  OF INDIA.......* In this  sentence the word *WE* denotes the *unity and integrity*.It means we all Indians should live unitedly,work unitedly for the betterment of our motherland.

     Dear friends,I hope,you understood very well what I said.So, be the ideal citizens of our nation and serve our motherland by following the  guidelines of our constitution.

   I conclude my speech by paying my tribute to Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar .

Jai Hind ! 🙏 🇮🇳🇮🇳

Written by- 

Mrs Vaishali Jane

Marking scheme :

Logical sequence of ideas   : 02 marks

Introduction.                         : 01 mark

Conclusion.                            : 01 mark


Total.                                       : 04 marks

Monday, October 10, 2022

Writing Skill - Email Writing


E mail (Electronic mail)  was invented by Ray Tomlinson in 1971.

Dos :

1) Email should be in a specific format.

2) Email should be in simple and clear language.

3) It should be in a readable font ie in a 10 or 12 font size.

Don'ts :

1) sloppy mistakes.

2) Poor formatting.

3) Casual language.

E-mail Message Template

1) To : (Receivers mail address)

2) CC : ( Carbon Copy :mail will be sent to many , can see the list of the recipients)

3) BCC : ( Blind Carbon Copy : mail will be sent to many , but can not see the list of the recipients)

4) Subject Line :  (Should be short and clear)

5) Salutation :  (Appropriate salutation : Dear Sir/  Madam , Respected Sir/Madam)

6) Main Body of the Mail : 3 Paragraphs

      1st Paragraph - (About why you are writing the mail --Introductory, clear and direct.)

     2nd Paragraph - ( About what kind of problem/ issue/ assistance you need or offer, should be brief and without any mistake.)

     3rd Paragraph - ( Conclude by thanking the receiver, should be in one sentence.)

7) End : Email Signature

              First and last name

E-mail format:

After opening a mail:

Example :

1) Write an email to your friend who has not contacted you for a long time. 

Ans :  

To     :

Sub   : No contact for a long time.

Hi Seema,

How are you? Hope everyone is in good and sound health. My Semester Exam is just over. As I was busy in my Semester Exam, I could not contact you for a long span.My Semester Exam is just over. Now I am planning for a Diwali Celebration.

What about you? How is your studies going on?  What did you decide for this Diwali? Hope your Semester Exams will be over and I am sure you would have performed well.

Now send me a  mail as early as possible.I Am eager to know about you.

Regards to your parents.

Your friend,
Nanda Kulkarni

2) Your class picnic is going to Mahakaleshwar. As a group leader, write an email to the Superintendent of My Holiday at Mahakaleshwar for making  reservation for the stay of a group of 80 students of your class.

Ans : 

To    :
Sub  :  Reservation of accommodation.

Dear Sir,

Our picnic of Pragati College of Arts and Commerce,Dombivli is planned for Mahabaleshwar. Approximately 80 students  intend to visit Mahabaleshwar in the pleasant month of December,this year. We will be much obliged if you will make the arrangement of our accommodation in your My Holiday Hotel for four days ie from 26th Dec to 29th Dec, 2022. Among 80 students, 30 are vegetarian and remaining are non vegetarian. If you know any tourist company will you please book it for us for sight seeing? I will send you the advance payment of it.

Kindly give your confirmation as early as possible so that we will plan accordingly.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Pavan Chaudhari

Marking scheme :

Content :                             02 mks
Use of proper format :    01 mk
Overall presentation :.    01 mk
Total :                                    04 Marks

Monday, September 26, 2022

Writing Skill - Note Making


In Note Making information is tranferred from verbal to non-verbal using  suitable formats like Tree Diagrams,Tables,Charts, Line Graphs, Pictograms, Maps, Plans etc.

In this Note Making, focus is given on a concrete connection between all relevant concepts and words to infuse or connect all thoughts together by a method.

Importance of Note Making :

1) To remember important details.

2) Refresh our memory about what we read in past.

3) Prepare for an examination, essay etc.


1) Take only relevant information/facts.

2) Write only key words/ phrases.

3) Write in short.

4)Use abbreviations and symbols.

5) Use proper  logical sequence and presentation.


1) Avoid full sentences.

2) Avoid non-essential words like articles, prepositions,verbs,adverbs etc.

Example : 

1) Read the following extract and complete the tree diagram given below :

 In today's era, stress has become an inevitable part of our lives. Competitiveness and a fast - paced environment require one to devote one's own self wholeheartedly to work.

Nowadays, workplace burnout has become common, with many employees showing symptoms, which in turn is compelling organisations to hire happiness and wellness coaches to help their employees deal with the crisis. Burnout is a phase wherein an individual undergoes excessive emotional exhaustion.

Though employees earn praise from their bosses for working hard, taking on extra work and meeting near-impossible deadlines, it ends up creating a pressure cooker situation for stress. And if the situation gets prolonged, Anxiety and stress creep in. Work-related stress makes employees angry.

Exercising regularly can help a person deal with stress.

Diet plays an important role in the well-being of an individual, so it is important to eat healthy, to be able to think like a healthy person. " A balanced diet is what one should go for, one must keep oneself hydrated throughout the day by drinking about three litres of water."


2) Read the following passage and make notes with the clues given below:

Vitamins are either fat-soluble(A, D, E, K) or water soluble (B vitamins, including niacin, folic acid and riboflavin, and vitamin C) .They consist mainly of the elements nitrogen, oxygen,carbon and hydrogen. Fat- soluble vitamins are stored in body fat, while water-soluble vitamins are used or quickly excreted in the urine.

Vitamin A is essential for the eyes, skin, hair and bones; the B vitamins help enzymes to function; C is essential for the formation of collagen; D helps the body absorb calcium; E prevents cell damage, and K helps blood clotting. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body and so must be obtained directly from food.


Friday, August 5, 2022

TEST SERIES I (2022-23)

 TEST SERIES  I (2022-23)

Marks: 30                  English- 12th Com                         Time: 1 Hour

(Reading for comprehension , language study, summary and mind mapping)

Q 1 A) Grammar:

 Do as directed:                                                                                                                             (04 Mks)

1) We can accept our life gracefully.

(Select the correct option using modal auxiliary showing 'compulsion')

a) We will accept our life gracefully.

b) We must accept our life gracefully.

c) We might accept our life gracefully.

d) We may accept our life gracefully.

Ans: We must accept our life gracefully.

2) Girl was cooking roots and tree leaves without Fire.

(Select the correct option to insert an appropriate article )

   a) Girl was cooking roots and tree leaves without the  Fire.

   b) A girl was cooking roots and tree leaves without the  Fire.

   c) The girl was cooking roots and tree leaves without  Fire.

   d) The girl was cooking roots and tree leaves without a Fire.

Ans:  The girl was cooking roots and tree leaves without a fire.

3) The students are solving the Activity Sheet.

(Begin the sentence with ‘The Activity Sheet….’)

Ans : The Activity Sheet is being solved by the students.

4) Spot the error.

C V Raman’s knowledges of all branches of physics are abnormal.

Ans : C V Raman's knowledge of all branches of Physics is abnormal.


Read the extract and write a summary of the given extract with a suitable title.                  (04Mks)

My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you  would  treat him gently. It is an adventure that might take him across continents. All the adventures  probably  include wars, tragedy and sorrow. To live this life will require faith, love and courage .

So, dear teachers, will you please take him by his hand and teach him things he will have to know - but gently, if you can. Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend. He will have to know that  all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel  there  is a hero that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader.

Teach him if you can that 10 cents earned is of far more value than a dollar found.  In school. teach him it is far more honourable to fall than to cheat. Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win.

Teach him to gentle with people, tough with tough people. Steer him away from envy if can and teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him if you can- how to laugh when he is sad, teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success. Teach him to scoff at cynics.

Teach him if you can the wonders of books, but also give time to ponder the extreme mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on a green hill. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong.

 Try to give my son strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is doing it. Teach him to listen to everyone, but teach him also to filter all that he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.

Teach him to sell his talents and brains to the highest bidder but never to put a price tag on his heart and soul. Let him have the courage to be impatient, let him have the patience to be brave. Teach him to have sublime faith in himself, because then he will always have sublime faith in mankind, in God. This is the order, teachers but see what best you can do. He is a nice little boy and my son. (Abraham Lincoln's Letter to His Son's Teacher)

Write a summary with the help of given clues –

Abraham Lincoln’s letter to the teacher – adventures – humanity – honesty – child tackle ups and down in life – book reading -  not to follow crowd – message – conclusion.

Ans : Abraham Lincoln has written this letter to his son's teacher. It is full of optimism and values he believed in.Instead of the adventures which are harmful to mankind, he requested her to teach him life values- trust, love, courage, humanity, honesty ,etc. It shows Lincoln's passion and zeal for learning.To nurture honour and character among the children is the purpose of education. He suggests the teacher to tell the students the importance of reading and good books. He also suggests not to follow crowd.Listen to everyone but filter the information on the screen of truth.Education is a potential tool for building up the all-round personality.

Q1C) Mind Mapping:                                                                                                                                     (04Mks)

 Develop a mind mapping frame/design using your own ideas to illustrate on the topic, " Auxiliary".

Tips for Mind Mapping:

I) Connect your thoughts or ideas using the title.

II) Use your own design/ format for branching.

III) Create minimum 2 or 3 main branches and its sub- branches excluding the title.


Q2A) Read the given extract and complete the activity given below:                                      (10Mks)

'Can’t hear', said one, ' the breakers roar?

For me think we should be near the shore '.

'Now where we are I cannot tell,

But I wish I could hear the Inchcape Bell'.


They hear no sound, the swell  is strong;

Though the wind hath fallen they drift along,

Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock,

'O Christ ! It is the Inchcape Rock !'


Sir Ralph the Rover tore his hair;

He curst himself in his despair;

The waves rush in every side,

The ship is sinking beneath the tide.


But even in his dying fear

 One dreadful sound could the Rover hear,

A sound as if with the Inchcape Bell,

The devil below was ringing his knell'.

A1) Name the two speakers from the first stanza and write what they are saying.                             (02)

Ans : Sailors of Sir Ralph's ship are speaking in the stanza. First sailor says that he can hear the roaring  of waves and it seems to him that shore is nearby. The second sailor who wishes that they can hear the sound of Inchcape  Bell as they are not aware of where they are.

A2) Explain the line, 'The Devil below was ringing his knell'.                                                            (02)

Ans : Sir Ralph had cut down the Inchcape Bell as he was jealous of  the Abbot of Aberbrothok.On the way back to home, his ship faced the storm and struck the Inchcape Rock. He cursed himself for his mistake and drowned.When his death came close to him he could hear the sound of Inchcape Bell as if the Devil himself was  ringing his death bell (knell) for him.

A3) "Evil cannot go unpunished in this world" write your opinion on this in about 50 words in the light of poem, "The Inchcape Rock".                                                                                                            (02)

Ans : It's true that evil cannot go unpunished in this world.I feel there is some divine power which observes our action and gives justice to all of us. By cutting the Inchcape Bell, Sir Ralph did the bad thing.Ultimately,he got punishment in the form of death as there was no warning bell ringing near the Inchcape Rock.Thus the poetice justice is given to Sir Ralph. Here, we remember the proverb 'As you sow, so shall you reap'.

A4) Poetic Device:

Write down the rhyme scheme and rhyming pairs of the last stanza.                                                   (02)

Ans : Rhyme scheme --aabb

Rhyming pairs -- fear - hear

                                 Bell - knell

A5) Poetic Creativity:

Read the following lines and compose the missing lines on your own and rewrite it.                          (02)

Sir Ralph the Rover tore his hair;


The waves rush in every side,


 Ans : Sir Ralph the Rover tore his hair;

Realising his mistake mere,

The waves rush in every side,

And he would be below the tide.

Q2B) Appreciation:                                                                                                                                 (04Mks)

Weavers, weaving at break of day,

Why do you weave a garment so gay ?...

Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild,

We weave the robes of a new-born child.

Weavers, weaving at fall of night,

Why do you weave a garment so bright?...

Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green,

We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.

Weavers, weaving solemn and still,

What do you weave in the moonlight chill...

White as a feather and white as a cloud,

We weave a dead man's funeral shroud.

Write an appreciation of the poem, ‘Indian Weavers’ with the help of following points.

 About the poem, significance of the title

-  Form of the poem, theme and its  significance

-  Poetic style, language features, poetic devices

-  Inspirational message, values, morals reflected

-  Your opinion and critical evaluation of the poem.

Ans : Sarojini Naidu is one of the most famous Indian poets in English. In this poem "Indian Weavers" she glorified the Indian Weavers who are self reliant. The title of the poem is self explanatory. The poet has given spiritual and philosophical touch to this poem.She depicts her thoughts about life and death in this poem.

This poem is a short rhythemic poem of three stanzas.Each stanza consists quatrain-a set of four lines.Each stanza depicts a different time of day i.e.break of day (morning)indicates Birth and Childhood ,fall of night(evening) indicates Youth and  Adulthood and chilly moonlight
(night) indicates Old age and Death.At different time of day the weavers weave different cloths which will be used in different occasion.

The language of the poem is simple and easy to understand. The metaphorical use of language enriches the content.The use of images and different colours unveils the different shades and moods of life .The rhyme scheme of the poem is aabb ccdd eeff .The question-answer method of presentation gives a conversational tone to this poem.The poet uses here poetic devices like Similies , Metaphors,  Alliterations and Repetitions, Symbols and colour Imageries to  indicate different moods and phases of life .The poet tells here about the Indian culture as well as the philosophy of life.

Q3A) Add a word to the sentence  as an answer and rewrite .                                                        (02)

1) Setting includes place, period, time, climate or weather and ------.

   2)  The realistic novel is also called a novel  of  ------.

    3) Murasaki Shikibu’s  ‘Tale of Genji ‘ has been described  as the --------.

   4) The German word ‘ bildungsroman’ indicates -----.

Ans : 1)Setting includes place, period, time, climate or weather and  lifestyle.

2) The realistic novel is also called a novel  of  manner.

3) Murasaki Shikibu’s  ‘Tale of Genji ‘ has been described  as the  world's first novel.

4) The German word ‘ bildungsroman’ indicates growth.

Q3B) Pick out the odd element from the group.                                                                               (02)

      i) Theme, Conflict, Gothic, Character

     ii) Arundhati Roy, Kiran Desai, Salman Rushdie, Hendry Fielding

     iii) Place, Realistic, Psychological, Allegorical

     iv) Drama, Poetry, Novel, Language

Ans : i) Theme, Conflict, Gothic, Character

     ii) Arundhati Roy, Kiran Desai, Salman Rushdie, Hendry Fielding

     iii) Place, Realistic, Psychological, Allegorical

     iv) Drama, Poetry, Novel, Language

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Auxiliary Verb

 There are two types of auxiliary verb.

            1) Primary Auxiliary

            2) Modal Auxiliary

1) Primary Auxiliary : Different form of primary auxiliary is used in different tenses, with different                                             persons.

                                    There are 5 Primary Auxiliaries.- Be, Do, Have, Shall, Will

Different forms of -

1) Primary Auxiliary : 1) Be - Present -am, is, are

                                                Past - was, were

                                                Future -  shall be, will be

                                   2) Have - Present -  have, has

                                                   Past - had, 

                                                   Future - shall have, will have

                                   3) Do - Present - do, does

                                               Past - did

                                               Future - shall do, will do


2) Modal Auxiliary : Modal Auxiliary is used to  indicate Mood or Attitude of the speaker.

                                There are 15 Modal Auxiliaries.- Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, May,                                                                                         May not, Might, Must, Have to,Used to,                                                                                                 Need to, Ought to,Dare to.

     Modal Auxiliary                        Mood/Attitude                                   

1) Can                                             ability

2) Could                                        past ability

3) Shall                                           determination

4) Should                                      advice,suggestion

5) Will                                          certainty

6) Would                                       habitual action in past

7) May                                          permission,less certainty

8) May not                                    prohibition

9) Might                                        possibility, probability

10) Must                                       obligation, compulsion

11) Have to                                   obligation, compulsion  

12)Ought to                                  obligation, compulsion  

13) Used to                                   habitual action in past

14) Need to                                  need ,necessity

15) Dare to                                  daring, courage 

In Mind Mapping Form -


Do as directed:

1) He is able to sing. (Use a modal auxiliary showing 'ability')

2) She could write well. (Use 'be able to' and rewrite)

3) You have to wear mask everyday.( Use a modal auxiliary showing 'suggestion')

4) It .......rain today. (Fill in the blank with a suitable auxiliary showing 'possibility')

5) It's your duty to obey your parents and teachers.(Use a modal auxiliary showing 'obligation')

2.3 The Inchcape Rock - Poetic Appreciation

 The Inchcape Rock is a ballad written by a versatile and prolific writer, poet, essayist Robert Southey, the Poet Laureate of England.This ballad is based on the legendary  folk tale of the Abbot of Aberbrothok who had installed a warning bell on the Inchcape Rock to save the life of the mariners from shipwreck by crashing with the reef. But the wicked pirate,Sir Ralph the Rover, being envious of the popularity of Abbot of Aberbrothok and wanted to loot the wrecked ships, cut the bell. Finally,Sir Ralph the Rover, the villainous character got the punishment of his bad deed.The poem gives us a message that 'those who dig a pit for others, they themselves fall in it.'

It is a long narrative poem - a lyrical ballad. It is divided into three parts. In the First part, there are 4 stanzas.Second part consists 6 stanzas and third part consists 7 stanzas.Thus, the poem has total 17 stanzas.Each stanza consists  quatrain. 

The poem opens with a depiction of calm and quite sea and the whole atmosphere.The Abbot of Aberbrothok, a passive but benevolent person who had tied the Inchcape bell to forewarn the mariners about the existence of the hidden Inchcape rock during the storm to keep themselves safe.

The second part begins with a beautiful and vivid depiction of a fresh and bright spring  morning.On that particular day, Sir Ralph the Rover,the Pirate was  in cheerful mood. He saw the dark speck - buoy-a floating object which has been attached to that Inchcape bell, and a villainous  thought came in his mind to cut the bell so that the ships would crash against the rock . He ordered his crewmen to row a boat to that bell and cut it.As soon as he cut the bell, it sank into the water. Now he would loot the ship and no one would give blessings to the Abbot for his good deed. 

Here, the intention of Ralph the Rover  has been fulfilled as he could loot the wrecked ships and became a rich person.

In the third part of the poem, we find out that how this wicked pirate Rover got punishment of his bad deed.On his return journey, he steered his ship towards the shore of Scotland.The day was dark and gloomy. The sailors could not find out their way due to poor visibility. That very moment their ship dashed to rock and wrecked. Rover was frustrated and repentant but in vain.His ship drowned along with his crew members. The bell, he cut, now ringing as death knell. Here the poetic justice is given to Rover.

In this lyrical ballad, the poet has used very simple language. Different poetic devices are used to convey  a moral lesson "As you sow, so shall you reap."Alliteration, Repetition, Simile, Metaphor,Personification, Inversion,Onomatopoeia etc are used in this poem.The rhyme scheme is aabb. All stanzas carry a same form. 

The poet has used narrative and descriptive techniques to enhance the poetic effect. The poem provides a fine verbal image of calm atmosphere of the sea, the sun, the waves, birds, rock, bell etc.Thus, this ballad glides from one incident to another very smoothly which creates the special effect  on the mind of readers.

The poem gives us a valuable message of wisdom and reality - 'If you dig a pit for others , you may fall into it.'

I like this poem as I am inspired  by this poem. The same way I learnt a lesson-' not to harm anyone or play with any ones emotions.'